Things To Do

Cycle Happy
The club aims to promote cycling for people with learning difficulties, encouraging health and well-being. Bring your own machine or borrow from the Forge Valley bike library which includes trikes and balance bikes
Most Fridays 6.00pm-7.00pm,
Forge Valley Cycle Circuit (Forge Valley School S6 5HG), from April until October.
Cost £2 for children, £3 for adults
Boccia at Ponds Forge
The Sheffield Smashers Boccia Club has been running since November 2011. Boccia is a paralympic sport, a ball and target game similar in style to crown green bowling, though participants are seated. This makes the sport suitable for people with a variety of disabilities, including learning disabilities, cerebral palsy and wheelchair users.
Ponds Forge, Main Hall
Day: Thursday
Time: 5.45pm to 7.15pm
Cost: £2.00 Boccia 1/11/12
Charlotte Faulkner
0114 274 4939

Thank Gateway It’s Friday
Thank Gateway It’s Friday is a youth group for individuals with a learning disability aged between 6 and 15 years old.
Norfolk Lodge
Park Grange Rd, Sheffield S2 3QF
6 years to 15 years
6.30 to 8.30pm
Shine Out on Saturdays
Shine Out on Saturdays is a performing arts project aimed at children and young people with learning disabilities.
Norfolk Lodge
Park Grange Rd, Sheffield S2 3QF
10am to 12:30pm
Contact - Nesreen Shah
Contact 0114 2767757
Young Persons Radio Project
Project available to young people with a learning disability aged 12 to 16 years. Enables students to have a go at writing, researching, producing, presenting and editing radio style content in a safe and supportive environment.
Thursdays after school, plus some Saturdays to get out and about to do in-the-field recording
Contact Tracey Bryant 07956 725117 or email
Within Reach - Has many more events/groups/useful links to various sporting
organisations listed. Useful website
Download the Within Reach Sport & Physical Activity for Disabled People in Sheffield here:
Sheffield Parent Carer Forum - Various events held throughout the year, please look at website for further information.


An Extra Pair Of Hands
Telephone 01422 330069
Days out with kids can be stressful at the best of times, but particularly so if one of your children is disabled. Eureka offer a free, unique service called Extra Pair of Hands which can be booked up to two weeks before your visit. A trained member of the team will call to discuss your child’s likes, dislikes and any triggers, and the same person will then join you for two hours during your visit to support, help you all have fun and really tailor your Eureka! experience for you – that’s right – your very own extra pair of hands!
To book just call 01422 330069, though remember that you must book two weeks in advance.
Here's a sensory guide to Eureka here:
They also run regular, free clubs for disabled children and their families as part of our Access All Areas project.
Burton Street Foundation

Saturday Club
Activities vary, from indoor things like baking, art, drama and trampolining, to inexpensive off-site activities such as swimming or bowling. Often we will go out and about in Sheffield and explore the local community, or sometimes we might just have a nice picnic in the park.
Referrals come through Special Needs Inclusive Play Services (SNIPS), or from private referral.
Burton Street Foundation,
57 Burton Street
FREE via SNIPS referral only
Tel: 0114 233 2908
Holiday Club
For young people aged 13-19 years ,who have a learning disability, physical disability or behavioural problems.
Sibling Support
Every school term they run a 12 week programme designed specifically for young people in Sheffield who have a sibling with a learning difficulty or learning disability.
The group is 2 hours per week, and is filled with fun activities. The aim is to give siblings the opportunity to meet other young people from similar backgrounds, to make friends and develop a peer support network
For all their children and young people’s services see -
They also offer creative and expressive services for adults with learning difficulties –
Contact 0114 233 2908
Trampolining & Multi-Sports

Trampoline sessions are held on the first and third Saturdays of each month:
7th September
21st September
5th October
19th October
Sessions take place at Hillsborough Leisure Centre with 2 half hour sessions starting at 4.45pm and 5.15pm and are free of charge.
These sessions are VERY popular, so places are currently offered only to our children with disabilities, due to demand. There are only 4 places available at each half hour session, so you MUST book and confirm a place before the session to avoid disappointment.
Please contact us at least a week before the session you are interested in booking. As these sessions are so popular, we may need to add your details to a waiting list.
Preferably e-mail us: with the name of your child and yourself and the time of the slot you would prefer (if you are unable to access e-mail please call/text: 0794 016 4771).
NB: Hillsborough Leisure Centre require that children with a diagnosis of Downs Syndrome or Dwarfism have their child’s neck stability certified by a doctor before they take part in a trampoline session. If you need a form, please contact Emma:
Multi-Sports sessions are held on the 4th Saturday of each month.
Sessions take place at the Hillsborough Leisure Centre at 4.30-5.30pm and are free of charge.
Multi-Sports focus on activities developing ball skills (with the added fun of parachute games and bouncy castle).

Dance Stars
Monday 5.00pm to 6.00pm
For ages 8+
Forge Valley School Sports Centre
Wood Lane
Sheffield, S6 5HG
Junior Dancestars
Thursdays 5.00pm to 6.00pm
For ages 4+
St Mary’s, Bramall Lane, Sheffield S2 4QZ
Contemporary Ballet & Freestyle
Roxanne Bottrill of IBK initiatives
Thursdays 5pm to 6pm (term time only)
Tel: 07494433165
St Mary’s Community Centre,
Bramall Lane, Sheffield, S2 4QZ
’Chance to Dance’ all inclusive Dance Therapy Class
Tuesdays 5.15 pm to 6pm
Saturdays 11.15am-12pm
The Michael Church
Lowedges Road, S8 7LD

Doncaster Titans Football - DSActive
Club Doncaster Titans is a disability football club which offers a safe and friendly environment for children and adults with disabilities. The club are very excited to launch a specific session for people with Down’s syndrome and to welcome them in to their club.
Sessions: Monday 7pm-8pm
Cost: £3.00
Age 5+
Club Doncaster Sports Village
Keepmoat Stadium
Stadium Way

Sheffield Tennis - DSActive
Brentwood Lawn Tennis Club
Saturday Afternoons with Ben Howarth
For more information contact:
Brentwood Tennis Club
Brentwood Road
S11 9BU
Chesterfield Tennis - DS Active
The DSActive tennis programme aims to help develop social skills, confidence and physical ability whilst learning racket and ball skills. These sessions are open to anyone with Down's syndrome aged 5 years and older.
Saturday 11.00am-12.00pm
Chesterfield Lawn Tennis Club
Cost £6.50

Family Support Group - swimming at Hillsborough Leisure Centre
Sessions are held on the second Saturday of each month:
10th August, 14th September and 12th October
Hillsborough Leisure Centre - 5.30pm – 6.30pm
£1 per child (adults swim free and there must be an adult in the water unless your child/children can swim independently)
For anyone who wishes to stay after the swim, there will be party food for the children to enjoy together. These sessions are open to the whole family.
A swimming club for children with disabilities, their families and friends. They provide swimming lessons for children who might struggle in mainstream classes. Parents are asked to attend and be in the pool with younger children at least until they are water confident.
Friday evenings during school terms 6.30pm - 8.15 pm at Westfield College
Cost £5 (per lesson of 30 mins), £3 (Splash swim only - 1 1/2 hours)
Contact Frank Smith 0114 246 1414 or 07811 449 692,